HAPPY BIRTHDAY TRAVIS. The clock continues to click and for that we are grateful. It was nice to have family over to celebrate his day. For his birthday Travis got a new grill that does gas and charcoal and he is turning out to be quite the Bobby Flay. He got it at the beginning of the summer so no pictures in his BBQ suit, yet.

Yes, this is Travis holding a
PINK cake for his Birthday. He picked it out & thought Taiylor would think it was funny. He said it's all about the flavor not the color!
Some of the family watching Brinley entertain everybody.

Love this picture. Brinley was pretending to laugh like her dad while watching "America's Funniest Home Videos."

Taiylor and Cameron wrapped their own presents to give to their dad. I thought the
purple paper went exceptionally well with the
PINK cake.
Happy Birthday Trav! Love all the new post Tera! You are turning out to be a professional blogger! Love ya and miss ya!