Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Bybee Christmas '09

Christmas Eve started out with us going out to dinner and watching a movie at home while the kids opened up their Christmas Eve gift of new P.J.'s We then did the Scripture story of the birth of Christ and sent the kids to bed. They didn't get to sleep until 1045pm because they were too excited for Santa. Then the morning came and what a morning it was. It started out at 5:45AM as the kids ran out to see their gifts from Santa Claus. Cameron was excited for his bow & arrow, but wanted to know where all the other gifts were that he asked Santa to bring. We had to explain to him that Santa has to take gifts to a lot of boys and girls. Fortunatley he bought it! Taiylor was ecstatic for her American Girl and she has carried it everwhere with her since she got it. Brinley was a little unsure of the whole thing til she got into her stocking and found juice, gum, and candy then she was in seventh heaven. She got the idea of opening presents really quickly as she watched her siblings. The picture of Travis out in the garage was where I had to put his gift because it was too big, I even suprised him this year YEAH!! Unfortunately Christmas morning went by too fast, as I had to go to work at 10am. Nevertheless, I am so grateful for the morning and the memories we were able to build! Merry Christmas.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Caroling for Christmas '09

The kids wanted to go caroling for one of our Christmas activities and they had a blast. We went to about 5 neighbor homes and they would pick the song to sing. Brinley got the hang of it after about the second home and she would run from car to house just smiling. The kids really liked it when the neighbors would let us sing then they would give the kids their neighbor gift. (typical children) Caroling isn't Travis favorite, but he was a good sport and also smiled the whole time. We ended our night with some hot chocolate. Love Christmas traditions!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Christmas Time!

Brinley loves to be in the I thought she could help me make our neighbor gifts. We made mini loaves of bread and homemade freezer jam. She made a huge mess, but loved every minute of it!

Her own little mitten & spoon.

She typically loves to play in the big bucket of flour, but I thought a little pan would be safer and less clean up.

She transferred the flour with sugar, chocolate chips, salt and anything else we could mix back and forth from pan to floor to pan.

Taiylor was in the school choir and had a beautiful choir program. She has a beautiful little voice and loves to sing and make everybody smile!

Isn't she beautiful...

Special suprise for the kids. Santa showed up.

Too help the kids remember the Reason for the Season; we took them to the visitors center and watched a Christmas movie. Travis then bore his testimony to the kids and then they listened to the story about the Christus Statue!

What a cute group!

The Christmas Season is always such a blessing in our life. Despite all the business and the chaos, we always manage to take the time to Remember our Savior and His Birth. Thanksgiving seemed to come and go and I didn't get a chance to post pictures. I always want my children to know the importance of Christmas and yes, Santa is a lot of fun; but one day they will see what it is all about!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Brinley's real first snow day.

All Bundled Up...Ready for the 1st snowfall of 2009 and old enough to now what it is.

Brinley and Cameron out making snowballs.

This is Brinley's first year she understands snow. She knows enough to say, "Snow...Berrrr."
She enjoyed the time outside with her brother, but lost her gloves and came in with red hands. So many more adventures to come.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Taiylor has never been fond of pumpkin "guts," but Brinley and Cameron dug right in!

The final product. They were so proud!

Our Halloween family shot. (Brinley got a little messy, so it was just easier to take off the clothes.)

Decorating sugar cookies. This year I got a new recipe for hard frosting, so the kids were actually able to paint them!

Aren't they so cute! What a long night full of sugar & fantasy!

This would be my super beautiful princess...

This would be Super Scary... Vampire

And this would be super Cutie...Minnie Mouse.

It was nice to finally spend Halloween with my kids, I have had to work the last couple years. I forgot how much running around you do especially when you have a 2 yr old that wants to go everywhere her big siblings went. The kids had a fun time and now they are looking forward to Thanksgiving and yes especially Christmas!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Taiylor's Little Miss Rigby

All the contestants. "42" of them...

Taiylor's Big Sister...Sarah...She still misses her.

Always been a poser.

Our fancy backdrop

Grandma and Grandpa Horne

Grandma and Grandpa Bybee
Taiylor had a wonderful time and came home telling me she really felt like a princess that night. I was so proud of her. She did a great job. After the pageant was done all the big sisters gave the girls a little reward and Taiylor was given "Little Miss Dancer." She came home and immediately hung it on her wall. I am grateful for the experience she had and think it was good for her self-esteem. Thank you Grandma and Grandpa for all the support!! So proud of you Taiylor!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Canning Day

A fun filled day of canning peaches.

Cameron's job was to peel the peaches. Cute little hands.

Cameron and Grandma Horne. For some reason the kids always seem to learn a little more with Grandma.

Cameron holding a piece of peach skin. What great memories.

Despite all the mess and time of canning. It always feels great to get it done & place them on my shelves. The kids really seem to enjoy this time & look forward to helping me and of course Grandma can. Their favorite seems to be peeling the peaches, adding the sugar, and of course eating them fresh. The love to can pears because we color our juice with food coloring. So if you go down to our pantry you will see rainbow, green, yellow, blue, purple, pink, aqua, and even yes thanks to Travis black. Thanks mom for always coming over to help. She seems to have more patience with the kids as they help us can. Brinley canned the first time this year and other than taking 1 bite out of a lot of pears she loved to watch Grandma pull the stem off with her teeth. Great Memories!!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Oh my Sweet Brinley...

Learns to take off the diaper...

What a Shot.

Diaper almost off and throwing a fit.
She is learning new things every day words and actions. They grow up so fast. Her newest word is Heavy pronounced HEBEE. She is a free spirit and keeps us on our toes, but such a joy in our lives.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Staying Busy...

Just a quick catch up...Taiylor is loving school which is a true blessing. I am so grateful she enjoys learning. Cameron on the other hand is struggling with school. So far we haven't made it a day with out a lot of tears. Grandma Horne went to school last time and the time before that I had to pull him out early. We are hoping for a better day tomorrow. So far no tears the night before which is improvement. He is such a cute kid, but so afraid of change and feeling a little insecure. Brinley is growing up more everyday and hitting the terrible two's early. She is so smart and comes up with new things all the time. She actually got all our keys out of the drawer found the 4-wheeler keys and then I found her on the 4-wheeler with the keys in the ignition and trying to start it. That's a little scary. As for Travis and I we are staying busy with work and raising a family.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

1st Day of School 2009-2010

Cameron's 1st day of Kindergarten. Isn't he so handsome.

Taiylor 2nd grade. She is a natural. Right before I took the picture she tilted her head for a pose.

Waiting for the bus. Taiylor excited and Cameron petrified!

Bus arrives and now I am trying to convince Cameron he can do it and to stop crying. He was so scared, but trying to be so brave.

We made it on the bus. Thank goodness Taiylor is there with him. Good Job Cameron!
Cameron coming off the bus at school.

Hands in the pockets and sister right behind. Maybe there is a ounce of confidence. They grow up so fast.

Taiylor's good friend Emma & of course Cameron.

Cameron made it into class. YEAH!

Cameron and Mrs. Wilson.

Taiylor and Mrs. Coffin Wow she has grown up.
Well, 1st day of school. Taiylor was full of excitement and couldn't wait to go. Cameron was really nervous and needed a lot of encouragement. They are both great kids, but so different. Taiylor is outgoing & adapts fairly easy to change. Cameron is a little go getter, but likes to be close to home & change makes him nervous. I guess you could say Taiylor is a lot like me and Cameron a lot like his dad. I am so proud of them both and hope their 1st day is wonderful! Brinley now home a lone and bored with out her siblings to follow.