Cameron and his graduation diploma
Cameron in the spotlight with his sisters
Brinley loves her big brother...this was a spontaneous hug. She was very proud of him!
Principal Lemons...He told Cameron everyday that he was his main man. He greeted him off the bus and was such a help for Cameron's transistion. Thanks Mr. Lemons
One of Cameron's best friends, Drake Graham.
Always love the support from Grandparents.
Through all the struggles we had this year with Kindergarten, Travis and I kinda felt like we were graduating with him. Cameron has grown so much this year in school. We started out forcing him on the bus sobbing :( and him having a death grip on Travis at school when we would drop him off to finally a diploma and a little boy that has gained some confidence in what he can do. We are very proud of him and he is way excited for Summer. This kid would stay outside everyday from sunup to sundown.
What a great day for you all! Isn't Mr. Lemons great? We will miss him next year.