Saturday, January 17, 2009

Finally after a lot of trial and error, I have figured out how to put a background on my blog. Everybody says it is so easy, but unfortunatley it didn't come that easy for me. Thanks sis for helping me put it together.

I decided to start into this blog thing for a few reasons:

1) It seems to be the way people communicate these days

2) My husband bought me a new laptop (pink) for Christmas

3) It seemed like something fun

4) I want to brag about my kids too.

5) I am hoping it will help me keep up with what's going on in my own life!!!

So, let me tell you a little more about me and my family. I have three beautiful children who are pictured above; Taiylor, Cameron, and Brinley. They are great kids, but keep me busy. Taiylor is in first grade and loves to make friends. Taiylor's teacher always says she if very "helpful." I have to question her to make sure that is not a kind way to say "bossy," but her teacher reassures me that it's not. She is a great girl and is growing up way to fast. Cameron is our little jokester and loves to torment his sisters. He is in preschool and has truly enjoyed his class. It has helped to bring him out of his shell. Unlike his older sister he gets a little shy around others. Brinley just turned one and has been a true joy in our lives. She is a great mix of Taiylor and Cameron. Her favorite things to do is beg for food, give great kisses, and shake her head "NO." She has kept me very busy as she enjoys getting into everything. I appreciate the help of the older two to monitor where she is at. Travis, my husband, owns a counseling agency in Idaho Falls. It keeps him busy, but he still finds time to give me breaks and spend time as a family. He's a great dad and husband. Beside being a mom, I work part-time as an Emergency Nurse and a clinical instructor in a nursing program. Well, that's us. I look forward to further entries and hope it helps me to keep up on photos of my family.


  1. Absolutey Cute Tera. Way to go, and I love your background. You will enjoy keeping this updated maybe you and I stay in better contact this way too crazy.

  2. HIP HIP HURRAY!!!! You joined the blogging world! I'm so proud of you! That is so fun that Trav bought you a pink lab top! Do you love it? Anyways, your blog looks perfect and I love the family pictures. Reagan has your Christmas card in her room so she can see Tai everyday!!! Love you and miss you! Natalie

  3. Glad you joined us in the blog world. your kids are just darling and you have every right to brag on them.

  4. Thanks for sending me your blog address. It will be fun to read! Your kids are darling and growing up so fast!

  5. So happy to see you in blogger land. Now you just have to get Jamie on board.
    Did you set up your background as a gadget so you can change it up easily? I only ask because I did it the hard way forever and my friend showed me how to do it so it only takes a few seconds.
