Thursday, August 20, 2009

1st Day of School 2009-2010

Cameron's 1st day of Kindergarten. Isn't he so handsome.

Taiylor 2nd grade. She is a natural. Right before I took the picture she tilted her head for a pose.

Waiting for the bus. Taiylor excited and Cameron petrified!

Bus arrives and now I am trying to convince Cameron he can do it and to stop crying. He was so scared, but trying to be so brave.

We made it on the bus. Thank goodness Taiylor is there with him. Good Job Cameron!
Cameron coming off the bus at school.

Hands in the pockets and sister right behind. Maybe there is a ounce of confidence. They grow up so fast.

Taiylor's good friend Emma & of course Cameron.

Cameron made it into class. YEAH!

Cameron and Mrs. Wilson.

Taiylor and Mrs. Coffin Wow she has grown up.
Well, 1st day of school. Taiylor was full of excitement and couldn't wait to go. Cameron was really nervous and needed a lot of encouragement. They are both great kids, but so different. Taiylor is outgoing & adapts fairly easy to change. Cameron is a little go getter, but likes to be close to home & change makes him nervous. I guess you could say Taiylor is a lot like me and Cameron a lot like his dad. I am so proud of them both and hope their 1st day is wonderful! Brinley now home a lone and bored with out her siblings to follow.


  1. Starting school already? Didn't summer just begin! Sheesh! Looks like life is going great!!

  2. Great Photos. What a milestone for Cameron. They grow up so fast, and we don't know where the time goes.

  3. Yeah! Back to school time! Looks like you had a fun summer.
