A fun filled day of canning peaches.
Cameron's job was to peel the peaches. Cute little hands.
Cameron and Grandma Horne. For some reason the kids always seem to learn a little more with Grandma.
Cameron holding a piece of peach skin. What great memories.
Despite all the mess and time of canning. It always feels great to get it done & place them on my shelves. The kids really seem to enjoy this time & look forward to helping me and of course Grandma can. Their favorite seems to be peeling the peaches, adding the sugar, and of course eating them fresh. The love to can pears because we color our juice with food coloring. So if you go down to our pantry you will see rainbow pears...orange, green, yellow, blue, purple, pink, aqua, and even yes thanks to Travis black. Thanks mom for always coming over to help. She seems to have more patience with the kids as they help us can. Brinley canned the first time this year and other than taking 1 bite out of a lot of pears she loved to watch Grandma pull the stem off with her teeth. Great Memories!!